When is a Root Canal the Best Option?

The rationale for having a root canal procedure is that the tooth has been infected, or that there has been damage to the pulp (nerve) of the tooth, and use of this procedure offers the best method for saving the tooth.
As an office whose services include endodontics, we are using advanced technologies to make a root canal procedure easier for patients and dentists.
With the use of modern dental instruments and advanced techniques we can now treat without invasive dental surgery. Dental technology now includes these endodontics advancements:
- High-torque motor hand pieces enabling more control and better shaping
- Ultrasonic instruments for cleaning the nerve space.
- Magnifying glasses with fiber optic lights to improve the view
- Apex locators using sound waves to find the end of the root, or apex
- Use of antibacterial tooth filling materials
- Referral to Endodontic Specialists when necessary
Call Palmer Dental for a consultation to learn more about our state-of-the-art equipment and new dental solutions including endodontic surgery.
Endodontics – Saving Teeth is Our First Priority

We believe saving a natural tooth through endodontics should be the first choice for both health and cosmetic results.
These are a few benefits of saving natural teeth with a root canal procedure rather than tooth extraction:
- Providing efficient relief from pain
- Better chewing capabilities
- Normal biting force
- Maintaining a more natural appearance
- Preservation of bone and ridge
We are expert at diagnosing and relieving tooth pain, and have advanced equipment to perform a state-of-the-art root canal procedure to treat symptoms and severe problems efficiently and painlessly.
Call us for more information about our innovative technology used in endodontic surgery procedures to treat and save teeth.
Understanding the Root Canal Procedure

Patients who have undergone a root canal procedure with the use of our advanced technologies experience little to no discomfort.
Our patients receive expert diagnoses and tooth pain relief through the use of advanced equipment and technology.
Understanding the general procedures of endodontics since it has gone high-tech is important for you in making a wise decision:
- A tooth x-ray provides a precise layout of the canals
- An opening is made in the crown
- The pulp chamber and root canals are cleaned and shaped
- The space is filled with a biocompatible material
- Usually a temporary filling is placed to close the opening and later removed
- A crown or restoration is placed on the tooth to protect and restore its function
Call Palmer Dental to learn more about the benefits of endodontics to help save your teeth. 480-757-0882